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Monday, December 05, 2005

Ned Colletti

When I first listened to the press conference to introduce Ned Colletti, my first impression was that there were warm fuzzies. Warm fuzzies between McCourt and Colletti, warm fuzzies about Colletti's humble beginnings and his hard work toward his "proudest day of his life", warm fuzzies about the "character and values" that Colletti has.

Warm fuzzies are essential components of Extreme Home Makeover, but how do the warm fuzzies address all my questions and doubts about the Dodgers? Surely warm fuzzies aren't enough to convince me that Colletti is the man but I'm willing to give him a chance. Heck, everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves.

Do I believe that Colletti has what it takes to turn this team around? Well, I've learned these past few years to not have such high hopes and expectations. He hasn't exactly proven himself in the past with the dismal Giants, but who's to say that when it's time for him to come up to the plate, he won't step up & hit a homerun... only time will tell.

It's too bad that even with the great weather, the beach and the legacy of the Los Angeles Dodgers, McCourt couldn't lure Theo over.


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